I started watching Lost again, so here's #GetLost:
-The pilot still has an incredibly good first 10 or so minutes
-Charlie is a treasure. You All Everybody probably made a bigger cultural impact than Imagine.
-They really rushed to put Evangeline Lilly in her underwear, huh?
Watching the first season of The Terror makes me wonder how Sawyer managed to kill a polar bear with a handgun, though.

I haven't watched Lost since the original run maybe, so I've forgotten a lot, but I'm already hoping for Sawyer to grow up and for Boone to get lost
It's funny remembering Sawyer as basically Desert Island Gambit for years, because in this early stuff he's just a boring, hot-headed racist who completely fails to kill someone and only makes it worse.

The nicknames started immediately though.
Lost is so old that Sawyer called Jack "metro" and I thought it meant "city boy" until I remember that "metrosexual" was trendy back in 2004.

These early eps have a restrained Drifting Classroom (oxymoron?) feel, where it's just characters you barely know bouncing off each other
The early contender for most interesting arc in the early eps is definitely Locke. He's super weird and off-putting in the first couple eps, but it adds to the mystique in a strange way. Not my fave character, but the most immediately interesting. Sayid a close second.
I think they actually do Sayid dirty by having him jump at torturing Sawyer to find some inhalers and Jack is compromised by being like "yeah dude let's torture him, good idea bro." It seems pointlessly edgy and not even all that realistic of a decision for the characters.
I forgot that Sayid self-exiles (??) and wanders the island as an explorer as a result of almost killing Sawyer. It kinda extremely sucks! In hindsight, they sacrificed Sayid to soften Sawyer. Whatta waste! Feels like treading water.
I’m not giving up on #GetLost just yet but I suspect that knowing how it ends is coloring my perception, cuz I’m looking at these sub plots like, “fake, fake, unconvincing, too dumb, unconvincing, who cares”
What’s your favorite season of Lost?
Michael and Walt were kind of a punchline my first time through Lost ("Waaaaaalt!"), but their storyline is pretty interesting this time. Michael is so out of his depth and he keeps alienating his son.

Gotta say that Michael should wallop Locke for intruding on raising his son.
Locke tells Michael that Walt trusts him because he treats him like an adult, and Michael rightly says that the boy is ten. There's a lot to be said for that being a good strategy, but not in hostile opposition to Walt's dad.

Then Boone puts a knife to his neck? Boone...bye.
Jack Shepherd (get it?) and John Locke (get it??) have a whole reason vs instinct (for lack of a better) thing going on and I get it, but I think this show would be 50% better if they weren't the focal characters and were instead people we viewed from a little further away
With them as the stars, it's about dueling philosophies. That's fine and a good hook, but I think if they were less Opposing Heroes and more Opposing Warlords and we watched the cast figure out how to live under them and choose sides, I think it'd be pretty cool.
Every scene in the airport in Lost is completely unrealistic now
Part of the fun of rewatching Lost, apart from being able to go do something else during the bad parts, is slowly remembering all the various twists and turns that I've forgotten over the years. Like...Michelle Rodriguez was in this show! There was a smoke monster!
At some point "Not Penny's Boat" is going to happen again!
Season two of Lost is where it gets real good. The plot is humming along, the new characters shake things up well, and at this point everyone's hard edges have been sanded down, and Ana Lucia and Mr Eko have taken on some of that in their stead
Mr Eko is a great addition to the cast, and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje absolutely brings it. Menacing, a hulk, kind in the right ways, and bothered by what he's done too. I'm at the part where he's forcing Charlie to show him the Virgin Mary statues
I think Charlie, Jin, Sun, Michael, Hurley, and Mr Eko are the best characters so far, but Rose and Bernard have my favorite subplot. I think it says a lot more about faith than Locke's story does, at least in terms of "the substance of things hoped for."
John Locke's approach to faith is through service and works, but it's clear that it's a self-centered version. He tells Desmond that he's the one he's been waiting for, "don't tell me what I can't do," and forcing people to do his bidding.

Rose just believes and trusts.
It's interesting how the characters soften. S1 Kate was a fugitive/maybe murderer, Sawyer basically the same but also racist, Charlie was burned out, Jin was abusive and controlling, Michael was out of his depth and swinging at everyone...48 days later, everyone is friends.
One thing that drives me nuts about Lost is how often someone is like "Hey dude let's run into the woods. No, I'll tell you why when we get there. We don't have time right now. Just run into these woods full of giant garbage disposals and polar bears and damp children real quick"
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