The Planets as Co-workers: An Astrology Thread

The Sun is the Boss who calls you into their office to tell you something unrelated to your job and then proceeds to overshare about their social life for 45 minutes. They pace around the office while talking loudly on the phone
The Moon is the coworker who brings in homemade baked goods to the office and asks you how your day is going but means it. Decorates their desk with succulents and family photos. They watch cat videos on their lunch break and goes to the bathroom to cry when they get stressed out
Mercury is the perpetually stressed worker who doesn't know what they're doing but can use logic to BS their way thru any situation. Very smart and talented but has low self-esteem. Low-key the most competent person in the office but is always passed over for the promotion.
Venus is the employee who shows up late to work in a Gucci Belt, a Dolce & Gabbana Dress, Louboutins, and a full beat just to scroll through Instagram and ASOS for 7 hours and then clock out 4:54pm. Eats out for lunch everyday. Calls off work to get her hair and nails done.
Mars is the guy who inappropriately hits on all his coworkers but gets away with it because he's attractive. Very problematic. His breath smell like hot onions and garlic and you're pretty sure he musty but can't tell cause he drowns his body in cologne from Abercrombie & Fitch
Jupiter is the co-worker that everyone knows is terrible at their job but constantly get promoted over everyone else. Does the bare minimum on projects but manages to take all the credit. Gets drunk at the Holiday Party every year. Constantly Out of the Office on mini-vacations
Saturn is the employee whose done half their work by the time you arrive. Works thru their lunch break. You're not sure how they afford such a nice apartment on their salary. Definitely NOT your boss but tries to act like they are. The boss doesn't like them but cant check them
Uranus is the coworker that calls the boss out on their BS during meetings and is usually right. Wears clashing prints and patterns but kinda makes it work. They're the one instigating random arguments that take up 90 minutes. Always has the newest Iphone and uses a standing desk
Neptune is the employee who writes poetry in a leather notebook during meetings. Uses their lunch break to "take a walk". You never see them working but it's never really been an issue. Whenever you go to them with a question you leave with four more. Smells like fabric softener
Pluto is the employee who is only friendly with the boss and is mean to everyone else. Made a snide comment that flared up your insecurities and sent you down a spiral that had to be addressed in two therapy sessions. Only wears black and red and doesn't decorate their desk.
Thread inspired by @astrobydeon
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