“People’s Republic of Coronastan”
Democrat Party controlled “Blue States”of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, California, Michigan, Illinois, Louisiana, Connecticut and Maryland —Seem to have broken off from the rest of the US to create their own socialist-communist PRC
Republican Party “Red States” of Texas, Florida, Ohio, Arizona, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, South Carolina, Alabama and Oklahoma whose combined population of 103.1-million peoples have only registered 97,150 coronavirus cases and 2,626 coronavirus deaths.
Noticed by the American citizens, living a hell-hole existence in this new socialist Democrat Party controlled People’s Republic of Coronastan—were given the name “Leftugees” as they began what’s being called “The Great Exodus Out Of America’s Blue Cities”
As human history has long proven, evil can never be destroyed, only defeated.

The case of socialist-communism, can only be defeated by free and educated peoples standing guard knowing what dangers to raise the alarm to.

Please know that “The goal of socialism is communism” 🚫
People’s Republic of Coronastan using the coronavirus pandemic to imprison all of the citizen slaves under their control in their homes—not just imprisoned in their homes, but ordered not to leave them under threat of massive fines and being thrown in jail if they refuse to obey.
Black Americans are dying of Covid-19 at a higher rate than whites. Socioeconomic factors such as gaps in access to health care no doubt play a role.

But another possible factor has been largely overlooked: vitamin D deficiency that weakens the immune system.
Researchers released the first data supporting vitamin D

They found that the nations with the highest mortality rates—Italy, Spain and France—also had the lowest average vitamin D levels among countries affected by the pandemic.

All American Patriots Vitamin D
Vitamin D is produced by a reaction in the skin to the ultraviolet rays in sunlight.

Many Americans are low in vitamin D, but those with darker skin are at a particular disadvantage because melanin inhibits the vitamin’s production.

Black American Patriots, go out in the sun!!
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