you should watch the piano if you have never watched the piano
i might watch this later even
I do need to warn you that you see Harvey Keitel’s wang and you might have to suspend disbelief and imagine he’s not Harvey Keitel, which isn’t a problem for me because I always wanted to fuck Harvey Keitel- I have fucked up taste in men
Bad Lieutenant Harvey Keitel, not the cop part lol, but the general just being a fucked up weird head case you can tell is great in bed? Oh yeah baby that’s a type
Anna Paquin is in it, a lot of you know her as the chick you wanted to bang on true blood, but in this she was a precocious seven-year-old and she won the Academy award that year and showed up in a beret and some kind of sequin Jessica McClintock thing
sam neil perfectly embodies imperialist impotence, holly hunter acts her ass off but never speaks, it is dripping with contempt for colonialism top 5 film
soundtrack won or should have won the academy award that year too- michael nyman at his best imo
I love this movie so much that I have lread the novelization, the screenplay, and looked up with all of the Maori dialogue parts were saying

I think that the studio edited Campion in a way that fit into a 90s opaque aesthetic that overestimated american class consciousness 🤷‍♀️
It will never cease to baffle me that most people I know found it hard to understand, and I truly think it’s just because Campion thought it was a simple construct: the plantation owner, the sharecropper, the dowried woman and how imperialism makes monsters of them all
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