With MOTHER3 and, by extension, Kumatora on the mind, I came to an interesting realization.

I... often really like female characters with short, pink hair, who're aggressive and/or crude.

Characters: Kumatora (MOTHER3), Nonon (Kill la Kill), Natsuki (DDLC), Misato (Nichijou)
Some more pink-headed characters, though generally not as aggressive/crude and some much longer hair

Characters: Sayori (DDLC), Ichika (Gotoubun no Hanayome), Yancy (Pokemon; fanart by DeviantArt user sylvan16), Serra (Fire Emblem)
In the process of finding images for this thread, I learned that there are people who *really love* Kumatora and Serra. Lotsa horny energy in some of those images. Also there's a solid amount of cute Yancy X Nate art out there. Super wholesome stuff!
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