just thought i’d compile a list of quotes from rob thomas about season 4 & potential 5! you know, since a group of sour people keep spreading misinformation!
1) Neptune will not be absent
2) Keith will CERTAINLY not be absent
3) she will not just be “sexually available”
4) he never said it’s impossible for a woman to be kickass AND have a husband
5) logan will still very much be a part of season 5 (dead or alive)
and more...
these were just taken from a couple of articles i read so if anyone wants to add more factual quotes that are legit and not taken out of context to manipulate people, then feel free! ☺️
also, regardless of your opinion on season 4, please refrain from interacting with/being a burnt marshmallow(s) and don’t stoop down to their level. thank you💚
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