1/4 One of Bristol's most influential business people, @DurieJames of Business West, says that in recovering from coronavirus and stimulating our regional and national economy, we must "put the need for clean air at the centre of how we do it...
2/4 "...together with massively improving transport & mobility with a great public & other sustainable transport mix. Why would we want to do anything else? It's something we The Bristol and West of England Initiative Business West will be focusing on with lots of our members."
3/4 But these thoughts from Durie, a key supporter of the Bristol One City Plan, seem to directly contradict @MarvinJRees, who says that "this is not an appropriate time to make life more difficult for businesses or to engage with the business community". https://www.bristol247.com/news-and-features/news/12m-to-be-spent-developing-bristols-clean-air-programme/
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