Current bedtime reading: Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time. It's 20 years since I read any of these - used to love them. Had this story in my head that they were horrendously sexist and the writing was terrible. So it's been a lovely surprise to find... #WoT
...that yes, the gender stuff is certainly problematic, but it's problematic while I can also see that he was trying stuff. The #WoT is farmboy fantasy epic, but it's also about Egwene, village girl who becomes one of the most powerful women in the world...
It's about epic doomy love between a village healer and the last king of a lost kingdom. It's about all sorts of implications of the power of magic and how it should be used. Also, the writing is beautifully smooth. And yes, there's the icky "sharing a man" thing and...
...the frankly idiotic "I will never understand wimmin" vibe that runs through the narrative, but... basically I'm enjoying it a whole lot more than I expected, and am looking forward to reading Sanderson's concluding novels for the first time.
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