@JeffreyCRiley Good speech and thanks for your leadership. Will you and the other leaders be looking into improing the school buildings so that they can be safer in a viral pendemic - working touchless sinks and soaps, ventilated air, increased cleaning staff and schedule?
Now we have sinks that you hold down the handle while you dangle one hand under the h20 stream, and then switch hands. You literally cannot rub hands together to clean for 20 seconds and you cannot avoid touching dirty handle. We often have NO SOAP and what we have requires touch
Rooms have non-ventilated air. What does that mean? No air vents. No forced air. Windows that do not open or only allowed to open 4 inches when students are present. No cross breeze from other rooms. Locked doors now required. It's like flying in a plane with 25 kids.
Schools not regularly cleaned. A "deep clean" means that the building was mopped. No regular schedule for mopping or cleaning surfaces. It's all catch-as-catch can. Not enough staffing and staffing not always physically able to clean appropriately.
@JeffreyCRiley @BCassellius Also, will there be a change to policies that encourage/ force moms to send sick kids to school because they can't get clinic appoinments, and principals often pressure for attendance because that affects school / principal evaluation?
Or do we still want sick kids and teachers at school so that our numbers will look good? Do we want to put kids and faculty who are high-risk in harm's way? Hmm. Things to consider. This is an opportunity to get real about policies and invest in buildings. Let's do this!
#Boston #bpschat #bospoli #masspoli @MassGovernor @marty_walsh @BTU66 @MTA Please read this thread. Revamping buildings and addressing sick policies should be a priority before Sept!
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