
To whom it may concern, Geerhardus Vos was not a Baptist. He did not read the history of redemption the way Baptists do. He saw ONE covenant of grace running throughout redemptive history, with various administrations.
Recognizing progress in the revelation and realizing of redemption does not make one a proto-Baptist. The Reformed have ALWAYS done this. For Vos, as a Reformed theologian, the covenants in the OT were the covenant of grace.
They did not merely anticipate the covenant of grace or somehow participate by anticipation (prolepsis) the covenant of grace. They WERE the covenant of grace or administrations of the covenant of grace.
Again, in Reformed theology there is one covenant of grace and it did not first appear or occur in redemptive history in the New Covenant. If you think that it did, you are a Baptist. That's fine. MBGA (Make Baptists Great Again). That view is NOT Reformed.
In Pauline Eschatology, among other places, Vos wrote of the covenants in the OT:

" but the substance was the same, not different in principle"

When he said "substance" he was using the same language and framework as Caspar Olevianus' De substantia.
Going back to Zwingli contra the Anabaptists in the early 1520s and Bullinger contra the Anabaptists in 1534, the Reformed have always taught that there is ONE covenant of grace in both the Old and New Testaments.
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