The #SaveIndieBookstores campaign is fantastic, and I love how explicit this site is about not just why indies deserve saving, but the tough finances that make it necessary, including this rough look at an average indie bookstore operating budget. 
See that vanishingly small purple slice at the top? That's profit. On a good day. I think it's safe to say our favorite indie bookstores are not having a good day today!
Indies are resilient. They'll be a part of the literary landscape in some form no matter what. But here's a hard truth: the indies we have now, the ones we love, DO need help to weather this season.
That's not because they could have done something different, could have prepared. The business model for Indies in this century simply has no buffer, no padding to absorb shocks.
We, the literary community, are that padding! #SaveIndieBookstores
When I think about working to bolster indies, it's not the spaces I think of. It's not the real estate.
Those are some of my favorite places on earth, of course! But what I think of first is the booksellers themselves. I think of the people. #SaveIndieBookstores
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