There has been more than one point where I’ve wanted to tweet making fun of a common conservative viewpoint. Treating the wacky part like the whole has more comedic value, but when you repeatedly tell one group that they are the same as another, they start to believe it.
It results in a feeling of rejection from the outside and a feeling of commonality with the wacky right. We should call out stupidity and heck, sometimes laugh too. Stupid things can be funny, but we should be making fun of ideas and behaviors,
not the people, let alone non-homogeneous groups. It’s the feeling of separation from the rest that, in part, makes the echo chambers so compelling. I know talking about a group almost never means all of its members, but what a person means isn’t always what is heard.
We need to be more clear in situations when a wrong interpretation is predictable. I’m not recommending adding “this PART of the group” every other sentence, I actually think we mostly need better terminology for subgroups.
Part of how Donald Trump has been successful is by being that voice saying “you are the same”, but from the inside instead of the out. He has a lower approval rating from evangelicals that actually go to church because he doesn’t represent Christian values, but also because
That community gives them a sense of grounding that reminds them that they aren’t crazy; they really don’t believe whatever weird thing as a group. I don’t know what the purpose of this thread is, but this is the best void for our thoughts.
I want to rant about my thoughts on coded language too, but I’ll do that later
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