If you are a journalism student worried about employment prospects, one of the things I did while in school and after graduation was work as a bank teller. It paid well, had benefits, taught me how to talk to people, and I learned things I still use in my biz reporting job now.
I literally just called upon my memories of helping people pay their mortgages and what I knew about investing during an interview with a senior industry executive. I also strongly recommend accounting classes because the lessons are really valuable across almost every beat.
Other benefits to bank teller jobs: Incredibly solid training for how to talk to people of many different income levels and walks of life; understanding of small and local businesses; daily lessons on personal finance. I also learned how to train new staff and speak Cantonese.
If you have questions about how to apply to banks or explain this experience in your resume or in person in the future to hiring editors, feel free to DM me! Like @heoj said, there are many paths in journalism and kinds of professional experience that can be really valuable.
You can follow @karenkho.
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