THREAD: Idea for FIFA 21 Icons to satisfy whole community

I think this combines best of swaps accessibility, and the long term grind appeal of Icon SBC’s

Icon Swaps +/-
+ Rewards playing, gives consistent gameplay to-do’s

- Top teir icons are less accessible (ie Ronaldo)
Icon SBCs+/-

+ More choice of what icons to work towards & get their best version.

- Low & Mid tier icons less accessible for casual players due to sbc requirements.

Both have pro’s and cons but they can actually coexist.
Step 1) Icon SBCs would be only Moments. These would be no expiry & released through the game cycle.

SBC selection would increase in strength. (Examples; Deco-Oct, Essien-Feb, Ronaldo-Apr)

This gives players assurance they can grind to the best version of their favorite icon!
Step 2) Icon swaps would work in a similar fashion, but would include more variety of items like fut swaps did.

Every icon would be available only once in either it’s base, mid, or prime version. Not Moments!

This gives access to icons for use in gameplay and SBC submission
Cont- In addition to Icons, Swaps would also now contain items like:

-SBC fodder items (90 IF Oblak)
-Packs (100k pack)
-Random Promo players
-Player picks (1 of 5 86+ pick)

Serious players can choose items to later submit and casuals still have access to decent icons early on!
For example in FIFA 20, a fan of Ronaldinho would only be able to select his Baby card from icon swaps & to get his best version would cost $8.6M coins!

However in this new format, a player would choose between Baby Dinho in swaps or building fodder for his eventual moments SBC
In order for this system to be viable from EA’s view, we would expect the most Meta Icon SBCs to not be released until close to TOTS (Mar-May)

Even so this would be an improvement over both FIFA 19 and FIFA 20.
+Gives every player ability to work toward best version of a icon

+Keeps accessibility of low/mid lvl icons to casual players

+Hardcore players have more incentive to play swaps for fodder

+Adds more variety to the play-to-earn format of icon swaps

End. Thoughts?
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