Something has been emptying our birdfeeder every night, so I set up my camera to take a photo at 30 second intervals all night long in hopes of capturing the culprit. Scroll through the thread below for the story of an overnight dinner party!
It's 11:54 pm. Look who meanders onto the scene. Could this be our birdfeeder bandit?

(Note: All photos in this thread are vertically oriented so you'll have to click/tap to see everything that's going on)
Let's skitter on up this here tree and see what there is to eat.
WooHoo! A buffet!
It is now 12:09 a.m. and our burglar has obviously called a friend.
After spilling a bunch of seeds on the ground, it's time to go down and enjoy the spoils.
Three's company. Both raccoons stuck around for a couple of hours and then took a short break. When they came back at 4:35 a.m. they had another friend with them.
4:45 a.m. One up + three down = dinner for four.
Last photo with a raccoon was at 6:16 a.m. They basically spent the whole night eating an entire feeder full of birdseed. Little bastards.
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