It’s not easy home schooling. It’s can’t be easy being a teacher. I’m struggling. I’m not going lie, I’m as honest as they come. I feel like I’m failing my children’s education. It’s a really horrible feeling. I’m not able to explain fractions because I don’t
understand them.
I can’t teach jimmy, he’s EHCP draft has just come through.

He’s got to go to a school with specialist provisions for him.
I’ve got to pick his secondary school by November.

What if I get it wrong?
He’s been through so much already,
He’s been failed by his first primary school, allowed to fall 4 years behind, told not to bother with an EHCP because he’s just not motivated.

Bullied to the point he was called a “Pykie Mongrel” by other PARENTS who laughed at my son.
We left, he started he new primary a day
Later. He missed one day. He’s come on so much since starting his new school, they have repaired his self esteem.
Now it’s all in tatters. His OT is doing face time sessions once a week.

I know I’m not educated enough to teach my children at home.
I don’t have the ability
nor the resources.
I’m one of thousands who are in the same situation.
This is a traumatic time for us all.

I don’t have no photos of “mini school” to show you all what a perfect mum I am, Because I’m not.
I’m doing my best with 3 children with Special educational
Needs. Only 1 Is diagnosed, with a draft EHCP.
When I think about education I think of it as a ticket.
A ticket out of uncertainty, hardship, disadvantage.
I want more than anything to get a ticket.
So my children can get one too.
Education needs to be Free, Fair,
Flexible, Adaptable , Inclusive, Diverse, Accessible, and not about money. Not just for the wealthy. The rich. The socially acceptable.
I’m not going to give up, I will fight to get my ticket. And I will show my babies they can get one too. #EducationIsOurs #EducationLockDown
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