I think we need to address the fallacy that Republican voters are simply ignorant and uneducated. I'm a high school dropout, but I have the basic moral foundation to know Trump and his allies are just horrible, irredeemable people.

They know he's a buffoon, they just don't care. https://twitter.com/hareme2/status/1252624301460774916
He hates the people they hate. He makes the rich even richer and arbitrarily punishes the poor in a way they find entertaining.

It's like these lockdown protestors with masks, many of whom won't leave their cars. They know it isn't a hoax, they'll continue to shelter regardless.
The protestors want their employees to go back to work, they'll manage the business via Zoom and remain safe. Similarly the damage Trump is doing works to their advantage.

Broke and desperate people will tolerate abuse to have work. They'll surrender their rights to survive.
The people who like Trump do so because he's an unapologetic classist, racist, nakedly hypocritical pseudo Christian who worships the pursuit of money, by any means however sleazy and underhanded.

They don't believe what they say half the time, they're just running interference.
Many middle to upper class white Americans *want* a dictatorial President who will nuke all economic rivals, seize resources and assets from every nation it can overpower, and make no apologies for a culture of rapacious consumption and brutal, ruthless conquest.

They're bad.
Greed and corruption has driven them to believe they are God's instrument to perfect the human race in his own image. I've heard the phrase "God is an American" spoken countless times with a straight face on right wing talk radio in the US.

This is America without diplomacy.
It's not some kind of rank ignorance or mere lack of education that makes people support Trump. His supporters include some of the richest, most powerful people in America. They support him because they share his agenda of medieval conquest for glory and gold.

They're just evil.
Trump openly promises what G.W. Bush would only allude to. He plainly says what they want to hear, especially when faced with their own necrotic empire mortally wounded by a foe rhey can't even visualize.

You can't merely help inform them. You'd have to buy back their souls.
American conservatives are well aware on some level that 70+ years of imperial hubris and 250 years of internal oppression and inequality is going to bite them in the ass when they're no longer invincible.

They're scared shitless, and Trump is the barking dog they let out.
Rather than be whittled out of their wealth and power paying one form of reparations or another to basically everyone on Earth and most of their own population, they want to go out swinging.

They want a rabid dog to get all those people they left alive and understandably pissed.
Trump threatening preemptive nuclear strike against nations that couldn't retaliate got the chicken hawk branch of US politics hopelessly turgid. They've been salivating to whip out the doomsday stockpile to freshen the impact of Hiroshima.

When the US showed the world its power
With pandemic threatening the globe white Americans gathered in public, arriving in military vehicles, armed better than most militaries, and police stood by and did nothing.

The President cheered them on, and tacitly approved of deposing several Democratic governors. It's on.
His supporters are openly calling for him to dissolve the Legislative and Judicial branches and make himself supreme authority. There is an armed presence, and doubtless many police and military members who would back him.

They're not just ignorant. They're aggressively evil.
How long will it be like this before those trucks show up at the homes of Democratic governors and legislators and kills or imprisons them somehow?

How many police and soldiers would follow an order from the Commander in Chief to execute kill orders for known dissidents?
We're there. With this virus holding everyone down, why do you think DHS and other law enforcement groups are stealing PPE from states and even internationally?

They're stockpiling for a domestic occupation force to use a manufactured, and far more severe second wave.
Growing protests will cause an explosion of infections. With order deteriorating and supplies too scarce a well equipped DHS directing other LE agencies will be able to stage a coup with little to no resistance.

Anyone ill equipped will be at risk trying to resist an occupation.
Trump is trying to cause an escalation. With 1 million dead Congress will hand over absolute authority to "restore order".

There won't be an election this year in the US. There's going to be an anointing of America's first God Emperor or whatever goofy title he assumes.
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