Pretty sure the jailing and evictions under the laws you’ve fought for haven’t done vulnerable women any good either.

While sex workers, including myself, have been fighting hard to raise and distribute money to workers, what have you done beside defend laws that hurt us?
You know nothing about us or our lives because you insist on talking for us and never listening.
If you knew anything about us you would hardly be inviting notorious transphobes to speak at your events.
You spent a lot of public pre-COVID on a failed, stigmatizing, delusional #wedontbuyit campaign. That money could have been spent on housing or groceries for the women you purport to care about.
We don’t need your gift bags. We need housing, help paying for 3rd level education, we need to eat, to feed and house our kids and families.
We know you are not driven by your care for us. Your large salaries and funding depend on us staying silent so that you can speak over and for us, using your power and influence with government and police to harm us. We are staying silent no longer.
The power you had that shamed parents into bringing their pregnant daughters to your Magdalene laundries is waning. The Irish are not going to look the other way for much longer. I’m asking you to use your funding and influence to listen and help rather than continue to harm us.
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