Was talking in a call yesterday about #anipoke and it hit me.... the arguments against ash in the Unova series of the anime are all really dumb. No seriously like, the main argument about Ash in that season of the anime was that he was dumbed down too much. See here's the thing-
about that, whenever I see anybody talk about the BW season the example always goes to the Ash vs Elesa fight as an example............ ok.. what else? No legit I can't even deny that in terms of continuity, this is a stupid fight and Ash was dumb, but other than that?-
No, he really wasn't, go over to Ash losing the Unova league and... no, that wasn't Ash stupidity either, Ash battled perfectly well in that fight, multiple quick attacks to batter down Lucario, all of that stuff. Ash wasn't dumb in that fight, sure you could argue sending in-
Oshawatt was a dumb play to which I'll agree, but keep in mind losing boldore in the start wasn't ash stupidity either as up to that point nobody knew what Cameron's secret weapon was. Ash losing to Trip's Snivy? See here's the thing about that, even if we put aside-
how pikachu lost its electricity, power levels and the like are bullsh##, indigo season alone we see pikachu get rid of a cubone easily and that's even before it gets iron tail, the idea of levels and power scaling i only ever see get brought up when it's a fight that people-
don't like, hell even later seasons show stuff like levels and stuff don't matter what with rowlett being able to beat a decidueye. Frankly i think Ash was better in BW than multiple other seasons and i think this tweet puts it best https://twitter.com/KizzityKaito/status/1229213873988747264
Ash wasn't dumb or a bad character in Unova, he was just more aloof and I feel people don't like that because they mostly just want a super tactical Ash who rarely ever loses and coming off of the latios battle only made people overreact far too hard. Keep in mind-
Prior to sinnoh, Pikachu managed to beat a regice and then in the proceeding region had trouble fighting against roark if I remember correctly. Yet people don't get on ash there? It's not even like Ash was a genius in sinnoh either what with using a torkoal against a darkrai-
and thinking that using volt tackle on an electrivire was a good idea. Long story short Unova ash wasn't bad and i feel the fanbase likes to say so mostly as a means to hate on Best Wishes because Ash wasn't as much of a "badass" in comparison to sinnoh and XY-
though being a badass does not a good character make let me just add. Yeah i'm very passionate about the pokemon anime lol.
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