Pls stop projecting. This isnt a slut shaming tweet towards rihanna. I know we started talking about both cos of the vs argument but i was responding the the original tweet that said men dont like beyonce.
A lot of people have always talked about disliking beyonce because they feel she projects a “fake” image and her brand is unapproachable. Even we her fans are grateful when she gives us a crumb. Ive also heard men say they dont find beyonce sexy
If you want to compare this to rihanna, rihanna is the cool chick we all want to hang with, the one we want to party and have fun with and the one that is easier to build sexual fantasies around. She has always been fun & approachable & i think thats the diff btw their brands
I dont see how my tweet was slut shaming but someone has said it comes across as that and I wanted to clarify that thats not at all what I meant. Why would I slut shame rihanna? Makes no sense.
Saying someone appears more sexy and is easier to imagine them sexually than someone else who may come across less so, isn’t slut shaming and i see ppl trying to throw buzzwords to suit their agenda. Plis o this argument was just for fun, when did slut enter the program
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