1. Contact clustering (social distancing pods) is an innovative way to ease some social distancing measures, while keeping #COVID-19 transmission rates low. Let me explain why. @StfnFlsch @cmmid_lshtm @LSHTM @BillHanage @nataliexdean https://twitter.com/LSHTM/status/1252231471802150914
2. Within-household and between-household transmission are not equally costly. Within-household transmission has an upper bound. And contact tracing is an order of magnitude easier.
3. There are strong incentives to choose pod members you trust and care about, and therefore strong incentives to alter one's behavior to keep the pod safe. Increasing pod size will lead to less transmission per additional member than random community interactions.
4. Pods can be expanded to allow for greater division of labor in the household which increases household productivity. For example, one adult runs homeschool for children while others work. https://twitter.com/nataliexdean/status/1252563234676248577
5. It reduces the overall burden of social distancing for adults and children: more social interaction, better mental health, access to childcare, more WFH productivity, etc.
6. People could move between pods as long as they adhered to a 2-4 week quarantine period in between. But they can only belong to one pod at a time or they risk creating long transmission chains.
7. It's very much like the HIV messaging to "be faithful" and have one partner so we have lots of evidence about what works and what doesn't.
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