These sound A LOT like ascension symptoms but people don't know about Ascension so the only thing they can relate it to is Covid. Pay attention to the Schumann Resonance. It's been OFF the charts. That's because we are receiving VERY HIGH energies from the sun & an energy cloud..
Our solar system has moved into starting back in around 2012. This energy cloud has amped up the energy on our stars & all planets along with all energetic beings within. We are raising vibrations as this happens. As our vibrations raise or change, we experience all kinds of...
Symptoms. Along with these changes our inactive DNA (junk, we all have junk dna) is being activated. As this DNA activates many changes in the body occur, one being the pineal gland waking up. The pineal gland is responsible for all kinds of positive things. It's connected to...
Our visual cortext. This is how we have vivid dreams & how psychics see. Psychics pineal glands are more awake than others. Many things like flouride & other heavy metals calcify the pineal gland rendering it non-active. This has been the plan of the Cabal. They don't want us...
Awake & connected to higher self so they deactivated our pineal glands. Pineal glands also regulate sleep so if you're having insomnia this could be why. Many things can decalcify the pineal gland. Cut out all heavy metals. Tap water, (I use a zero water filter), processed foods,
Buy organic, Beauty products, again buy organic I use Jason deodorant, Toms of Maine toothpaste & alba botanica lotion. There are many other things you can do to wake up the pineal gland. Research it. Other things that help through ascension to raise your vibration are a high...
Vibratory diet like vegetarian & vegan. Total organic, no processed foods, & while you are switching over buy grass fed & range free types of meat & dairy. Practice being service to others & less service to self. This can be as little as opening a door for someone or letting them
In front of you in line or traffic to as big as volunteering your free time to work & help others etc, you get the idea. Learn to love unconditionally. This means loving your enemy unconditionally etc. Practice total forgiveness. Forgive others, forgive those that hurt you or...
Traumatized you, or just simply pissed you off. Forgive yourself. We are harder on ourselves than we realize. Learn to forgive ALL.
So, true service to others without any service to self attached. True unconditional love of others including thy enemy, true forgiveness of others
AND self! If you cannot love self you cannot truly love others.
Learn to meditate & ground. Meditation is quite hard to learn but it's important during ascension. Practice Practice Practice! Grounding is where you connect with earth's energy. Bare foot, bare skin to bare earth.
While relaxing, concentrating on breathing & wrapping self white light of pure healing energy. Clearing the mind of all negative thoughts.
Next, STOP watching the NEWS & most TV. Stop watching all forms of negative PROGRAMMING.
This includes negative games. Stop playing negative
Games, you know what they are! Cut out all negativity from your life. Once negative energy is removed, positive energy can move in & positive changes in your life will abound!
Ok, I think I covered everything, I think đŸ€”
As always I'm free for any questions!
Most Love & Light!
Oh crap! I forgot alcohol! I knew I'd forget something 😆
Quit drinking alcohol. Sorry loves, I know, but alcohol lowers the vibration WAY bad. It opens up the mind body spirit complex for negative energy & negative beings to come in & wreak havoc on your energy plus it allows...
For negative energy attachments to attach. They didn't call alcohol "spirits" for no reason. So yes, it sucks I know as so many love their beer & wine etc. CUT IT OUT!
You will be MUCH better as a whole. I'm going to add smoking to this but I'm sure that's a given, smoking=BAD.
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