Dear Dr Henry, There are some things you may not know about many public school buildings. Because funding #bced was not a priority between 2002-2016, there are many health-related issues. You can see pictures of them here  ..... 1/
2/ .. there are still many schools were mice and asbestos and leaks are a problem. There are schools where there's no hot water in student washrooms. Schools where there is no full time custodial staff. When a student vomits, it stays in place for many hours sometimes......
3/....If all public schools had what elite private schools do: small class sizes and all the best amenities one would wish for the health of our children, then there would be little concern about opening schools. But that's not what have in BC right now & that's why ......
4/... the idea of opening schools during this pandemic is causing massive anxiety among teachers. We wonder how students will wash their hands regularly given the reality of washrooms in schools these days. We also wonder ...
5/... how physical distancing can be implemented when, under the BC Liberals, school buildings were designed for 95% capacity with classrooms built smaller than they were decades ago. We know that you have the health of everyone in mind as you make your decisions but we ....
6/ ... hope you will be given the kind of information you would need to know about the actual reality that would be faced by teachers and students if we return to school during this pandemic. Thank you for all that you do to keep us safe. /Fin
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