Beyoncé has 63 Billboard Hot 100 songs and Rihanna has 62

Bey has 6 No 1 hits and Rih has 14 No 1s

Bey has 70 Grammy noms & 24 grams, Rih has 33 norms and 9 wins.

Bey has 13 billboard awards & Rih has 12

Bey has 26 VMAs, Rih has 6

Rih is GREAT, but Bey is overall Rih’s mum
The reason why Beyoncé doesn’t focus on hits as much is because we’ll take whatever dopeness she gives us.

She’ll rather focus on pushing the genres foward, not jumping on what’s the catchy trend like Drake and taking whatever features she can find with the likes of DJ Khaled.
She doesn’t need to make hits, hits are made in honor of her.

That’s that on that.
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