Dear Friends (Parents, this is for you), I have a heavy heart right now. We are in a pandemic, this is unprecedented. Life is beyond hard right now. And, tho the schools are trying to help, for some, we may be adding to the stress. I went into education to help, 1/
If I may, let me share some thoughts. Each family is in a VERY different situation. For some, assignments from school are helpful in getting through the day, but for others, I fear many others, offering assignments adds burden when you least need it. 2/
For those who appreciate assignments, proceed as you have been, use your Google Classroom, access resources on the CPES website, work through the packets, watch Channel 21 for educational programming, work on the PBL I tweeted about last week. 3/
For those who are saying, “I just can’t...” either out loud or sighing it in your head, first of all -you can. You CAN and WILL get through this. And you will, like the superhero you are, get your family through it too. All of you will. 4/
Just remember what you’re getting through - a pandemic. NOT all 4’s on a progress report (we’re not giving grades anymore this year anyway), NOT academic superiority, NOT getting the homework turned in on time - you are getting through a pandemic. 5/
School is here to help, and if we’re not, nothing’s graded or required and if you just need to take the rest of this week off altogether, go for it. If your children spend the next couple of days sleeping all day (mine do), this is exhausting for us, it is for them too 6/
And sleep is the great healer. If they just make up games and play together, the memories and thinking skills they use are priceless. Let it be. If YOU just need to shut your door for a bit of peace and let children hang out on their devices, so be it. 7/
Set them up on the CPES website, and they’ve got tons of safe activities to choose from. 8/
Families, your children are learning. It is impossible to exist in this era and NOT learn. They are learning balance, survival, perseverance, empathy, appreciation - all areas in which academic curricula tend to fall short. 9/
As far as academic preparation for next year, your teachers next year will figure that out. It’s our job. We are already steadying ourselves to bring your child to their potential no matter how they come to us after this crisis. 10/
So as the principal, let me say this: if you need the week off, take it. If daily guidance from your teachers helps your children and eases stress, go with that. If you need something in between, just do the packets, or scrap the packets and just do what your teacher advises. 11/
We are in this together. We are the educational experts, you are the experts on your children. We can guide academics, you guide your child. There is no right or wrong answer to how to do a pandemic (within guidelines of scientists’ recommendations.) There’s no rule book, 12/
We’re writing the rule book as we go. The only requirement to surviving a pandemic is mental health. All the rest is secondary. As always, feel free to reach out with questions or just to share thoughts. We’re here. ♥️ 13/
ps: and read, for enjoyment, just read... with your child, beside your child, let your child read to you, in any way, just read. /14
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