Y'all probably haven't been on this app long enough to remember when you could say anything, literally anything and twitter didnt give a shit. People were shamed for anything, all day and all night.

Then people started to complan about being shamed. Mostly women. Rules changed.
The rules changed because women were mad at the fat shaming, then the booty shaming, hair shaming, and it went on and on until people on Twitter had to be cordial to women or be ostracized. Ultra feminist teamed up reported account by the masses to get them removed.
So we clean the twitter streets of men who would shame women, talk about women as property, promote violence against women but men did not get that protection.

Everyday, scores of men are eviscerated by callus words that have no mercy for the male form.
Men are the brunt of unprovoked jokes that are insensitive, harmful and downright destructive. Men are expected to man up and turn the other cheek. Men are required to accept all women for who they are. Women can ridicule men with the mercy that the Nazi's displayed for the Jews.
If one account, has the strength to say... no more... that's enough... stop destroying my brethren... we will not be your punching bags, we will not be shamed for our hair, weight, height, facial hair, looks, dick size.
We are people, we have fellings. We've listened. We changed.
We didn't know cat calling was a problem until you told us. We listen, we changed.

We didn't know men became angry or violent after rejection. We listened, we changed.

We didn't know so mant men used their power to rape. We listen, we changed.
You said that female was offensive to Women, we listend, we changed.

You disclosed the clitoris. It took a long time, but I think we all found it.

This generation of men have been the best fathers, lovers, friends, companions, listeners, and husbands. We listened, we changed.
We want to be treated like people not doormats. We don't want to be the brunt of jokes, just like you don't want to be the brunt of jokes. We've done our part. We continue to strive to do better.
It's now time for women to "Believe Men".

If we say it's mean, Believe Men.

If we say its body shaming, Believe Men.

If we say it's offensive, Believe men.

We will not longer suck it up because we're men. We deserve to be nurtured too.
Tear down all the walls of Toxic Masculinity not just the ones that benifit Women.

Please end the suffering of men. Men are putting themselves out of thier misery 4 to 5 times more than women do. This can only be because they think no one cares about them. The world hates them.
Do you hate men? (If so block me.)

Do you enjoy seeing them suffer in silence for the men dont have feelings culture that we created?

Do you know the pain men have?

Please call out toxic masculinity used to keep men dosile and controlled.
Men's feelings do not need to be limited because they have a penis.

Tell a man you care about him today. Text a man a compliment, today.
Uplift a father, brother, or friend, today.

RT this thread to help men be better for women. Happy Tuesday.
You can follow @Mr_Alexius.
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