This is massive.

I guess now we know why Trump has been freaking the fuck out. He just got rebuked on election interference by the GOP Senate.

Was Trump blackmailing Burr?!?

Is it possible the Senate GOP is breaking with Trump altogether?

This could truly signal the end.
Oh my god! What did the Senate say about Putin’s role in electing Trump that required THIS level of redactions?

I think what has happened here is that the IC has worked with the GOP Senate and they are in the midst of bringing down Trump.

Is it possible a majority of the GOP Senate broke with McConnell over this? Together with the Dems, they can easily get a two-thirds vote to convict Trump in an impeachment trial. This would bring Trump to his knees.

That may even be why he’s trying to kill us! Jesus.
Keep in mind Trump was rage Tweeting about Russia well into the night last night. He knew this was coming and he knew it was ruinous.

What does Barr do now? He’s dug in too deep to get out at this point. He’s simply too complicit. He’s going down with Trump.
If I’m reading too much into this whole thing can someone please explain another scenario in which the Senate GOP would release a report like the one they released today? Why would the GOP do this if they are all working for Putin?
Adding this explanation to the thread:
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