[THREAD]: Here is everything Womxn & Men should know about PMS. đŸ©ž
Periods are A LOT. They hurt. They make you wear oversized clothing and they can turn you into a whole different person.

Mood swings? Irritable? Depressed? Anxious? Bloated? Headaches? That’s PMS.
Around 90 percent of womxn experience PMS of some kind every period. It’s important for both Womxn and MEN to understand about PMS.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a condition that affects a menstruators emotions, physical health & behavior generally just before the period starts.
PMS symptoms start 5 to 11 days before menstruation and typically go away once menstruation begins.

Your levels of estrogen & progesterone increase during certain times of the month.
So an increase in these hormones can cause mood swings, anxiety, and irritability. Serotonin level also affects your mood.

FYI: Serotonin is a chemical in your brain and gut that affects your moods, emotions and thoughts.
The symptoms are very real! Although they differ, the PMS symptoms can include:
😣: Bloating
😣: Acne
😣: Anxiety
😣: Depression
😣: Loss of Libido
😣: Increased appetite
😣: Swollen & tender breasts
😣: Headache and migraine
😣: Food cravings.
People think that PMS is just a “women’s problem” but I don’t think it is. PMS can affect and interfere with one’s daily life to the point that it interrupts relationships, employment etc.
If your PMS is affecting your day to day life, it’s important to seek medical help. Just because we’re menstruators, does not mean we have to suffer.
Firstly keeping a diary can help you notice your PMS. Menstruators are hard on ourselves and when you realize that you’re getting down and terrible, then YOU can find ways to help yourself.

It’s also worth asking people around you & talking about it!
So if PMS brings about a significant, negative change every cycle: Here are some tips to help.

First line is lifestyle changes. Reduce your coffee and salt and try increase exercise. Exercise is great for pain relief and stress because it release all those endorphins.
💖 Other self care exercises like getting early nights sleep, meditating, having relaxing teas (chamomile teas & other sleep teas). And obviously taking your medicine that helps with pain relief.
It’s important to get informed about PMS and it’s all about having the conversation with your friends, family, partners etc. Show them the information around PMS and tell them: “Be prepared on this day, I may be a bit cranky.”

There has to be some understanding.
And to the men reading, please please, please avoid saying this sentence:

“It’s just that time of the month. She’s just overreacting.”
“Why are you complaining? Doesn’t this happen to you every month?”

Because that’s really insulting. It’s REAL. It’s happening.
The bottom line is be kind to yourself. And treat yourself every month when PMS is in town. ❀
You can follow @Candice_Chirwa.
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