My cousin Mikaela Reyes is in CRITICAL CONDITION right now due to a motorcycle accident last February 29 sya ang pinaka na injured, the accident caused her "TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY" as of now she is in vegetative state, she's been staying in POLYMEDIC PLAZA FOR ALMOST 2months.
SHE IS IN A VEGETATIVE STATE, and katong naka bunggo saiyaha dili na gusto mutabang. Iyang mom is tindera ug iyang papa is driver, bills and expenses everyday is getting heavy dili na nila kaya ma sustain
We want to knock on your hearts for financial help and also we are asking for your deep prayers for her fast recovery 🙏🙏🙏

Contact us 09069525424 if u want to help any amount would be a great help.
You can follow @dorinereyes27.
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