Honestly can’t believe they’re really running with the “lazy poor people living high off the hog with $600 a week” line https://twitter.com/npr/status/1252590195687460875
NPR centering a business owner to bravely take on Big Poor
The business owner’s blog that clearly spurred this report is full of anti-worker sophistry dressed up as caring for the little man but this part, in particular, is vulgar. tl:dr GOP fucked her over on SBA relief and she’s taking it out on
wage workers
Anyway, as others have noted, both the reporter and the store owner are casually accusing these 5 employees of welfare fraud on national radio—maybe they should have sought comment from them before doing so
The business owners primary gripe, if she has a legit one at all is w/ the corrupt Trump SBA relief program that doled out millions to Ruths Chris & Potbelly while ignoring actual small businesses. Mysteriously this isnt mentioned. Instead our villains are greedy low wage workers
Sorry I neglected to mention the Nuanced patronizing spin: the workers are not lazy and greedy per se, according to the business owner and her NPR stenographer, we’ve simply permitted a system that permits them to be. Apologize for the confusion! Want to be NUANCED as possible
Sorry one last thing: the coffee shop owner implies in her blog post her laid off employees are making $60K/yr or ~$1,200/wk. But there’s no way this is true. Would have been great if @HorsleyScott actually interviewed one of her workers to find out what they’re actually making

Business owner
Business owner
Celebrity chef
Restaurant industry lobbyist
Business owner
Celebrity chef
Restaurant industry lobbyist

Not sources:

Any actual wage worker
I have no problem w/ the fed govt bailing out these restaurants. That’s fine w/ me. I am very much bothered by the constant framing that their lack of labor is due to lazy workers looking for free money rather than a greedy and venal White House that gave billions to large chains
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