Folks, (thread) (1/281)
Today is a special day. (2/317)
It's special to me. (3/17561)
And, I hope after reading (7/13571243213)
it becomes special (132123/2593475209357843) you! (NaN)
It's a special day that only arrives once a year, every year, since April 21, 2016. (448 /12303)
(Buckle up, Twitter!!! This thread is just starting to get good!!!!!!) (-1 / 9)
But let me ask you a question. (5.17^e / 2^1024)
Have you ever considered keyboard pants? (123 / -1023)
And if you have... have you ever asked yourself: (7 / 0)
Is it time to reconsider the keyboard pants? ( sqrt(-1) / e)
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