tw//covid, death

seeing all these conspiracy theories about how covid is a lie & quarantine should be canceled makes me angry beyond belief. like do you want my job? do you want to SEE what this is doing to people? cause i've seen it first hand & i WISH i had the naivety you do
i have a pt w/ covid on hospice right now. i had him last week and he was completely alert and oriented, now he can't even hold the button for his morphine drip. he hasn't peed in 24 hours cause his kidneys are shutting down. i go back in 10 hours & idk that he's gonna be there
i got another admit last night (2, actually) with covid. his oxygen level dropped to 65% in the 2 minutes he had his O2 mask off cause he threw up in it. even with 25L O2, he was still only at about 80%. for reference, it should be 92-100% O2 & the starting oxygen rate is 2L/min
there's a code blue called nearly every night i work now. and even when there aren't codes called, i still know people are dying, they're just DNR so no code is being called. my hospital is averaging about 4 deaths/day (we're not a huge hospital. before it was *maybe* 1/day)
people are dying. i am ACTIVELY WATCHING people die, and i can not do anything to save them. stay the fuck home. this is not a joke.
& while we're at it, all you fuckwads hanging out with your friends n shit need to knock it off too. quit being selfish. you're not putting only yourself at risk, but literally every person you come in contact with. please, make this nightmare fucking end. i can't take any more.
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