Theres been a shift in my energy lately and it's good. Yesterday we had a conversation with my dad that got pretty heated and there were tears,anger, his body language & words were that of a typical jamaican father....

Kinda cold. Defensive. Prideful...
It was frustrating trying to talk to him because the subject was sensitive and important to all of us but he wasn't seeing our side to it emotionally and it was like talking to a wall or going in a circle.

We left the conversation and it didn't feel like there was much progress
I took it upon myself to go talk to him again this morning because I felt like a man to man conversation was needed and im happy I did it.

I told him about our love languages. Found out what his were. And we went over how to properly communicate his feelings
We went over the importance of becoming vocal about how he feels because we want to know our dad has feelings even though we may know his actions are full of love we just want to hear it.

After everything was said and done his composure was at ease. Comfortable even. Relaxed
I'm only tweeting this because I feel like that no matter the age you can always be taught and not all hope is lost if you can just put in the effort to try and bridge the gap.

To communicate. We hugged it out and he even seemed happier after it was all said and done
And then I got this on my way to work so I feel like it's working 🙇🏾‍♂️🥺
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