A couple thoughts on the quarantine... I've seen outrage at people hoarding supplies. I've seen outrage at people protesting who want the economy to reopen. I think both of these kinds of outrage are partially manufactured and totally misplaced.
Apparently toilet paper shortages is more to do with business vs commercial supply chains.

And I'm hearing that some of these protests are astroturfing (but small numbers of outliers anyway).
A major event like a pandemic is a time when power is unstable. It's when the working class's value becomes clearest, and when those at the top of the social strata become most obviously predatory.
It is in the best interests of the Guys On Top if the working class, impoverished, etc just sorta fight each other.

But we should really just be looking at the systems of inequality and the fuckers who are running them.
I'm not championing any extreme reactions here: I literally think you should just stop paying attention to supply hoarders (the dialogue has mostly moved on anyway) and the protesters (who are AT BEST a very tiny subset of silly people but probs largely manufactured).
Please keep writing your representatives. Please keep voting. Please keep helping your neighbors. Please remember we're all in this together. Please remember people are overwhelmingly good, and kleptocratic dragons hoarding wealth are bad.

End of thread.
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