An aggressively priced next-generation Xbox could be announced any day now. “Lockhart“ as a next-gen console that offers the best value is real and the little sister of Xbox Series X will be the perfect console in a time where people might be in need of exactly that - choice.
When the Xbox team started designing this device, they obviously couldn't know about how the world will change. With how the economy will likely be in a few months, people will really appreciate a gaming console if it does allow entering the next-generation at a low price.
Zen 2 CPU, RDNA2 GPU, Raytracing, GDDR6, SSD & Xbox Velocity Architecture, dedicated audio block etc. All the tech stuff that will define the next-generation will be in Lockart, with the primary scaling happening on the GPU and in particular rendering resolution of games.
I know how fanboys will react to the console. I'm not naive. But that Kindergarten stuff aside, I'm convinced Lockhart is the reason how Xbox can win back a ton of market share and this will lead to a more healthy competition as to what we have this generation.
All that said. If you don’t like the idea of Lockhart, here is a very easy advice: ignore it. As a “hardcore gamer“ myself, I’m excited for Xbox Series X, which will be the world’s most powerful next-gen console. As a level-headed person though, I will always appreciate choice.
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