These names, Rockefeller, Carnegie, DuPont, Hearst, Anslinger and Mellon, used their wealth and political ties to put Hemp on the Schedule 1 list as a controlled substance. Why? The plant is a better source for industrial and medicinal use and they needed it gone. Hemp’s back!
2) Rockefeller standard oil vs hemp ethanol oil. Ford vehicles were running off of Hemp ethanol. 3) Andrew Rockefeller and John D Carnegie pharmaceuticals vs hemp flower extract. Hemp is a natural healer that brings the body back to homeostasis/balance. It is non psychoactive
So it will never get you ‘high’. Natural anti inflammatory. Has been used and documented way back to 2000 BC as medicine. 4) DuPont brothers - synthetic fibers vs Hemp fibers. Hemp fibers were used to make ship masts before steam was used and ropes during WW1. Every farm
Grew Hemp and if you didn’t, you were fined. Hemp was also used by Henry Ford to build his cars. 5) William R Hearst - newspaper, timber and paper industry vs low cost hemp substitute for paper pulp. Hemp grows in 3 months. How many forests have been Depleted for paper alone?
6) Harry J Anslinger - DEA - appointed by Richard Mellon of Mellon Bank US - Secretary of Treasury. Mellon was Anslinger’s wife’s uncle. FundAlcohol prohibition came to an end so Anslinger knew he could get more by turning to marijuana. Mellon had deep ties & sizable investments
In all the industries mentioned. This group essentially brought and end to cannabis in all its forms (Hemp and marijuana plants) and criminalized both through misinformation. Hemp is not the same plant as marijuana. Hemp is medicinal and non psychoactive. Marijuana is
Psychoactive and should be the only one on the schedule 1. Thank God for the 2014 Hemp pilot program. Hemp is back and helping many people feel better. Many are able to get off of pharmaceuticals. Many are sleeping better, are less uncomfortable, have less inflammation.
When did this happen..... in the 1930’s. Today Levi & Strauss are implementing hemp into their clothing and less cotton. LEGO is going to be using Hemp. Hemp is being used to make hard “wood” floors instead of wood. Hemp is making a comeback and they can’t stop it.
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