If you were raised comfortably in the middle or upper classes, I can guarantee that you've rejected a ton of potential friendships with incredible people who you perceived as "less than" you in status because they didn't have money or grew up in a manual labor household.
A lot of classism I experienced as a child wasn't other kids teasing me because I was poor; it was their karen moms telling them that I came from a "bad home" and that we shouldn't be friends.
An important thing to know about Karens is that they don't have to be rich, merely aspirational. They definitely want to be.

They want to be more than they are. They secretly hate themselves. And so their whole path through life is grasping for status, trampling the grass.
I lot of "ironic classism" that I've experienced since I've encountered "ironic socialism" is the insistence of downwardly mobile white men that they are the true heirs of the working class mantle and that others who grew up in this world are irrelevant and even naive.
Wherever you see people grasping for status and power, you're going to see privileged people leveraging whatever means at their disposal to step on the poor who they can only perceive as competition and a threat.

They can't be friends with "less thans;" they must be better than.
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