I live in Marion County. 3x as likely to be infected. 2.5x as likely to be hospitalized. 2x as likely to die. This coronavirus is exposing all of the inequities that African Americans face, from healthcare to education to employment. https://twitter.com/indyemapolis/status/1252562592079458310
But see it’s been bad in Marion County for African Americans since we first got to the county. So, centuries ago. None of this is disparity is caused by coronavirus. It was already there. We been talking about it, been doing things to mitigate, been working against it.
I know some people think “why is race being brought up?” but it’s always being brought up and some people just ignore it. Marion County and the city of Indianapolis have major inequities along the lines of race. This isn’t new. But what happens going forward could change things.
But that will require direct action by elected officials at city, county, state, and federal levels, commerce leaders, non-profit sector organizations, and citizens.
If coronavirus is already disproportionately affecting African Americans, the lasting negative impacts will disproportionately affect us too. That’s the next thing we gotta get ready to navigate. But this is old hat for African Americans.
We have been actively fighting to end disproportionality in our lives for generations in this country. It’s an inherited mission. None of this is new for us.
I guess you can ask your elected officials what they plan to do about it. I know my state senator, Jim Merritt (R), and my state rep, Brian Bosma (R), don’t really care. I know their voting records for the 10 years I’ve been in their districts. Their positions are clear to me.
I don’t know what @IndyMayorJoe (D) is doing. I don’t know what the mayor of Lawrence, Steve Collier (R), is doing. US Senators: Mike Braun (R), Todd Young (R); my US House Rep Susan Brooks (R), I know their track records though. Voting records on issues are public info.
To my African American friends and family in Marion County: do your best to minimize your health risk factors and check on your people. You already know it’s gonna come down to us helping ourselves. Ain’t no cavalry coming to save us.
You can follow @MrKinetik.
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