The string of episodes leading up to the season 4 finale is absolutely wild
First Cas kills Uriel. That episode isn’t wild, but it’s important to the plot and Cas’s character development.
Then it’s the episode where Dean drives a Prius. Wild. I’m pretty sure it’s the first episode where Sam and Dean aren’t Winchesters.
Then it’s the episode where the Supernatural books and Chuck are introduced. Absolutely wild.
THEN Adam is introduced and also dies in the same episode. He’s in the show later. How? I forgot he died!
THEN Jimmy is introduced. It’s not quite as wild, but it’s still not ghost hunting. (Side note I love Jimmy Novak)
THEN it’s the episode where they detox Sam and that episode is upsetting.
AND FINALLY the season 4 finale.
Maybe I should have clarified that this is about spn at the beginning of this thread
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