random thought

Learned long ago sector rotation is much healthier than outright migration and we've seen plenty of that w theme tech, biotech, etc. This is all good stuff; capitalism, even.

You know the names. $AMZN $NFLX $PTON $ROKU $TDOC $WORK $ZM $GILD $REGN $MRNA 1/n
At the same time, the finance-based derivative-laced global economy is experiencing historic / unprecedented supply and demand shock. Everywhere, all at once. The velocity of money that was it's oxygen, hoked to a halt. 2/
The financial mechanism is tied together through complex plumbing solutions - where the Fed has focused much of it's attention - and counter-party risk, which is unknowable, fluid and evolving. Therein lies the caveat of crude. 3/
Apologies. This thread was interrupted by an urgent need for cinnamon toast.

Not complaining, just explaining.

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