how to crop or make photo like this; a thread 🧵
first download or open your picsart app
tap the plus sign to create and start your edit; choose the picture that you want
after you pick a photo, resize the picture to 720
after you resize the photo, save it so it will be easy for the next step :)
so after you resize and save the photo, it's time to crop; change the crop ratio to 642
after you chose the part of the photo that you want to divide; crop the photo again but this time make the crop ratio to 321
once you change the crop ratio, it's time to crop the photo, put the crop thingy or the box thingy on the edge of photo then press the check mark and it should look like this
just do the same step but do you still remember when i said that you need to save the photo that you resize? just use that photo so it will be easy to crop the other part of the picture.
now, try it. hope this tweet helps you 🤞🏻
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