QUALIFIER: I’m a horrible human being.

That said, I’m thrilled to hear that the MENSA member Gov of GA, to whom it came as a huge surprise that asymptotic people could spread Coronavirus, is opening the state! (1/7)
That’s right, the barber shops, movie theaters, restaurants, etc will all be open soon!

I want ALL MAGAts and sycophants to rush right out, in groups, and HAVE FUN! Catch a flick, share your popcorn, lick each other’s ice cream. Aw heck, put the KISS in kissin’ cousins! (2/7)
Go muddin’ with your puddin’. Just be a Republican without a brain.

But if you have a brain, PLEASE, for the love of God, stay away from the MORONS! Continue to WEAR A MASK if you must go out, keep a safe distance from each other, wash your hands, otherwise stay home. (3/7)
This too shall pass. You’ll be laughed at for about 2 weeks and then your stupid-go-lucky neighbors will start reporting to the hospitals and getting called home by God.

And the second spike will begin! I know, I know, I’m horrible. Already covered that. (4/7)
I’m trying to protect those worth saving.

This is not political, just coincidental. If you have a BRAIN you deserve to live no matter who you vote for. But if you vote for people who don’t give a damn whether you live or die... let’s just call it a self-fulfilling prophecy.(5/7)
I’m not much of a believer myself, but the good book does say that you reap what you sow, right? So STAY THE COURSE! NY was hit hard and proved that Social Distancing works. It requires patience, and brains. Realize that all the Conservative and sycophantic talking heads
on radio and TV are doing so from the safety of their own homes! They should stay in, but you should go out.

That’s it. Now it’s up to you. Do the right thing for you and your family or risk illness and death. Easy decision for me: I’m staying safe.

Stay smart, stay well.(7/7)
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