Your day during #coronavirus told through the medium of Back to the Future GIFs. *Clears throat*
08:00 - 10:00 Wake up.
11:30 Get into an argument with a troll on Twitter.
12:00 That's lunch.
13:00 Finally begin work
15:00 Take part in an online webinar where you have no idea what anyone is talking about
15:15 leave webinar to find a load of people saying they find Rishi hot.
15:16 stare into the abyss
16:30 Finally feel functional
17:45 shower
18:30 FOOD
22:30 Wonder where the last 4 hours went
00:00 Insane, vivid dreams for eight hours
08:00 - 10:00 Repeat
You can follow @jnragency.
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