Today I am diving into Rust Language. 
A few years ago I had to decide before diving into Go or Rust. I eventually chose Go.

It was a choice between Go and Rust because the 2 most popular #Ethereum clients were written in these languages.

The official client is written in Go.
Rust is one of those modern languages that comes with a "native" set of tools for the devs.

Cargo - dependency manager, build tool
Rustfmt - code formatter, linter
The Rust Language Server - powers IDE integration for code completion and error messages
I am on Arch Linux, in case people want to follow me along or ask some questions.
Chapter 1: Installation and Hello World
I installed `rustup`, which is a Rust version manager like `nvm` (for Node.JS) or rvm (for Ruby).

#nodejs #ruby #rustlang
I like you also have documentation available locally

$ rustup doc

Opens a browser window with the documentation, lots of rust books, even the one I'm reading right now.

You can learn and program rust even while flying or without internet. ✈

Hello, world! right here

#rustlang #helloworld
People who write Rust are called Rustaceans.

I had to add

"rust-client.rustupPath": "~/.cargo/bin/rustup"

to my VSCode settings to use Rust Language Server.
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