My sweet precious grandma passed away a few hours ago and I am absolutely shattered. Thank you all for your prayers.
My heart is so sore because who is going to answer the phone with a “Hello my girl.”? Who is going to allow me to nap on their shoulder during church? Who is going to hype my singing? Who is going to offer me the shirt of their back bc I like it? Who is going to say “oooh jinne”
when something shady happens? Who is going to send in prayers requests to the radio for me? Who is going to argue with me about how radios work? Who is going to specifically make me a broth because I don’t want a thick soup? Who is going to bake me chicken pies? Who is going to
offer to buy me something despite having a pensioners “salary”? Who is going to tell my mommy to let me do what I want? Who is going to tell me I look “treurig” when I look raggedy? Who is going to snore next to me at night during sleepovers? Who is going to call me to gayle
about her neighbours? Who is going to order me a diary every year with my name on it? Who is gonna ask me for a cup for her false teeth? Who is going to tell me “die koms van die Here is naby.”? Guys I’m so so sad my heart is in a million pieces.
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