The news company I work for just uncovered this: A reliable source close to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's #Covid19 task force says her team is holding onto numerous cases and saving them for next week. (Thread)
The source says the task force has been 'banking' numbers from the prison system they control and nursing homes they oversee to use later.
The move is to make it appear cases are surging in Michigan again when in fact they are not. The cases will all be compiled and released on a single day. We're told this will most likely happen next week.
Whitmer spent the weekend making the rounds on news shows saying she's scared a second wave of #Covid19 is coming. According to the source, it appears she is falsifying numbers to prove this narrative.
This is an blatant effort by the Whitmer Administration to mislead Michigan residents that a new surge is occurring when it is actually a bunch of old cases.
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