1. While it is always amusing to hear anti-liberals (left, right, whatever) attack liberals - often fairly marginal players in politics - it is worth asking why they will treat people from opposing camps with more respect (and less fear) than liberals.

What is the cause of this?
2. In the end one illiberal isn't much bothered about the another illiberal, even if both constantly attack the other group, even asking for their destruction.

They NEED each other.

A bigot from one community gains validity from a bigot from an opposing one.
3. Liberals mix things up, they have no clear allegiance to communities and base their faith in institutions, in benefit of the doubt, in "getting along".

They dilute sureties, and undermine war cries (or at least the ones that actually are liberal, not illiberal liberals).
4. Probably the most thoughtful critique of this was in Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight", the strongest part of his Batman trilogy.

The Batman vigilante of his rises out of a broken system, but in doing so inspires other vigilantes, and the rise of the Joker.
5. In the beginning of the film, when he disarms a vigilante, his only response as to why he gets to be outside systems is to say he isn't wearing "hockey pads".

It is not a good argument, and the film revolves around the fact that in trying to fix the system, he's breaking it.
6. The crux of the film, his wish for the district attorney Harvey Dent to succeed, is precisely an understanding of his own failure.

When the Joker says, "You complete me", it is sincerely meant, whatever Batman's motives, his methods breed anarchy and unrestrained violence.
7. He pins his hopes on the heroic Dent, but heroism is too great a demand on normal people in a broken system, and Dent breaks.

The only way out of it is a lie (one that unravels in the next film, a weaker product).
8. At a time of deep anguish, of heinous crimes, we long for a saviour, a person above and beyond a messy, failing, system, and in doing so we make normal life impossible, open the door to monsters who only want the "world to burn."

We surrender control, our responsibility.
9. At such times, those who question, who ask for accountability and transparency, are always the most dangerous enemies of those that want unconstrained power.

(PS When I say anti-liberals, I don't mean conservatives.)
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