haikyuu as got7; a thread:

#GOT7 #Haikyuu
Im Jaebum as Kuroo Tetsurou :

-a cRaCkhEad
-you'll learn so much from him
-referring themselves as old man
-old but cool
-they LOUD at times
Mark Tuan as Miya Osamu:

- quiet af
- good looking af đź‘Ś
- the "serious looking guy but actually not" type
-"i cAn cOok biTcH"
Jackson Wang as Bokuto Koutaro:

-the mvp of the team
-"nOtiCe mE!!"
-can be cute. can be hot.
-can't accept defeat times
Park Jinyoung as Semi Eita:

-tired of their group
-the "innocent looking guy but can slap you" type
-has a problem with their younger members
Choi Youngjae as Hinata Shoyou:

-LOUD (2)
-the "i look young but im actually older"
-a cHiLd
-needs sum milk
-powerful af
Kunipimook Bhuwakul (BamBam) as Oikawa Tooru:

- good looking (2)
- the "handsome but childish" type
- flat ass stick (im not sorry)
- a cRacKhEad
Kim Yugyeom as Goshiki Tsutomu

-mUsHrOom / bOwl
-"i aM nUmBer oNe biTch"
-the "childlike but actually dirty-minded" type
end of thread ^^
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