The times are challenging for everyone and can take a toll on creative minds so let's help each other out a bit! What's the piece of advice that has helped you overcome rough patches in your artistic growth?
This could be both practical or mindset oriented of course! I guess mine is more the latter because being told that creativity can be learned and improved lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. It's probably the best thing I learned during my 5 years in uni 😂
Because I never considered my imagination my strongest suit, actually coming up with new stories and ideas used to be a HUGE struggle for me. And I thought that will be my life forever but in reality my 'creative bank account' (or a library as we called it) was just really empty.
I encourage looking up that term if you're like me and prone to feeling "not creative enough". There are lots of great articles and videos about it and for me they have brought tons of comfort!
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