Here is the thing lefties. We are gonna vote green. In high numbers. We are about to be vilified, hated and despised. Dems aren't gonna die as a party with a wimper. So be strong enough to weather that storm. Dems have to go if we are to grow.
I have heard the argument but trump! What about him? I answer, but Biden, a stolen primary and a corrupt to its core party thatl slap a friendlier face on trump policies to cheers of dems + rape apology. Corporate policy dressed better, less immediately distasteful. Fracking! Yay
But if trump wins there will be civil unrest!
GOOD! You mean to tell me the #Resistance will get off its keister and fight? Good. Put your money where your big stupid mouth is! Fight back. Protest. Get out there and get involved. Get mad.
But the environment!
What part of #4over8 do you not get? Oil market is collapsing under trump. Oil so cheap no WAY we fight about it. And again, biden means more fracking period.
But racism!
Crime bill, legalization, a guy so racist he forgets what century it is and talks about his hairy leg, roaches and record players to put your kids to sleep. I even hear some latin men are voting trump rather than biden. Trumps racist. So is Biden.
And to add to that, Cages weren't created by Trump. That was Obama and Biden. His use of them IS disgusting. Again, fight about it. Impeach trump over it or something. Trump is scary AF. So is Biden. Fake woke progressivism. No policy of substance. Just woke signaling. Friendlier
I'm not voting green because I think we can win. All the liberals that reply to this will prove my points for me. How far they have fallen morally. Were gonna remind them we have a soul and to go find theirs so that next election they fight to be heard like we did and still are.
Your vote is NOT wasted. Ever. If you vote for biden, maybe you get biden maybe you get trump but nothing changes really. If you vote trump maybe you get biden or trump. Same. If you vote green, maybe you get biden maybe trump. Same. Except, you used your vote to say no to both.
You use your. Vote to say that and if enough of us do we cannot be easily swept aside any longer. Do dems and republicans talk to swing voters or independents like this? No. They coddle them and beg for their votes. They dont commit to either and get something from them. VoteđŸŒ»
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